Another Look At The GH Women:   Robin Scorpio 

The last time I made an attempt at writing it was to criticize the writers for not making a strong female character with any balance or continuity.  I said my piece about Sam and this time I’m going to move on to Robin.  I have to admit that she is my all time favorite character.  I grew up with her like many other viewers and feel like I “own” her more so than other characters. It’s pretty unusual that the writers never brought in another actress to play her role.  We all know most child actors aren’t allowed to continue in their roles forever. Her story with Stone made me cry.  I was one of many who went out and purchased Robin’s Diary.  I thought I’d never get over Stone or their love story.  I was wrong.  I loved her with Jason.  I loved, loved, LOVED the storyline when Tony kidnapped Robin and Michael and Jason came busting through the door to save the day.  Even though I hated to see her leave the show I thought they did a great job of breaking them up. It made sense why she had to go and why they couldn’t be together anymore.  I have to give them props for writing her off properly.  These are just a couple of the reasons why I am so attached to this character.  But, before all of you Robin-haters start barfing and stop reading this column because I am professing my love for the character of Robin…DON’T!  I promise this is a CRITIQUE of how the writers have been developing her character as of late.  I can no longer defend my girl Robin to all those haters out there.   

Let’s talk about what I like about Robin first.  I like (I know most don’t) that she had the guts to blow the secret about Michael’s father.  She was the only one who did the right thing.  Carly has come a long way but back in those days she was a big, conniving wench.  Jason, who supposedly never lied felt compelled to lie about Michael.  It never made sense.  A.J. had his issues but he wasn’t the bastard Carly and Jason tried to make him out to be.  I was never on their side when it came to lying to A.J. about Michael.  So, when Robin blew the whistle on their happy, little family…I was like, “Hell, yeah!”  She put up with this other woman ruining her romance with Jason over a baby who wasn’t even his.  She put up with their lies longer than any rational woman would have.  This made many people write her off as some kind of goody two shoes.  I say her actions made her seem like a normal human being.  Let’s not forget she was friggin’ kidnapped by Tony and almost died as a direct result of Carly and her many lies. 

The one positive thing I can say about Robin in her present storyline is that she makes no apologies for her decision.  The scene she had with Jason and Sam a while back in which they dredged up the Michael issues again had me jumping out of my seat.  I was so glad she didn’t back down from what she did.  I’m so tired of Carly and Jason saying she ruined Michael’s life.  Hello!  If they hadn’t lied in the first place there would have been nothing to ruin!  This is what she pretty much said in those scenes and that was pretty much what I had been waiting years to hear!  But, then Sam had me yelling at the T.V. once Robin left because she said some crap about never judging Jason the way Robin did and how painful things must have been for Jason to have lost Michael.   Waah!  How about how painful things must have been for Robin to have had to deal with that bitch Carly in her man’s life all that time?  How about Robin told the truth because it was the right thing to do without it being some attempt to hang onto Jason?  She knew she would lose him for good once she spoke up.   (I am not a Carly hater by the way.  I actually like her character for the most part.   But what real woman would put up with Carly in their man’s life like that?)   

So, now that you know how much I love the character of Robin the significance of what I am going to say should leave more of an impact.  Here it goes…her character annoys me now!!!  I was so excited to hear she was coming back. I was so excited to hear why she was coming back!  Sam calls her up because she’s been working on brain treatments that could help save Jason.  I thought it was so cool that she had gone on to study brain injuries, treatments, etc.  I was so geared up for her to come back and save him.  My mind was spinning with the possible scenes and dialogue that would take place between her, Sam and Jason.  But, NO!  She doesn’t even end up saving him.  Here Carly is making fun of her for not being able to save him with her treatments.  Sam is screeching at her constantly because her drugs are hurting Jason.  The way Jason interacted with Robin it was like it was some random doctor treating him.  Originally, I thought it was cool she had spent years studying brain injuries and treatments.  But, after Jason was cured it came across as pathetic.  He acted as though she was the hired help.  She makes it clear that she still loves Jason and he’s like, “Thanks, for researching this stuff for years and carrying a torch for me all this time.  Oh, and thanks for coming back to this country to try and save me but I’ve been through many women since you.  You were just a blip on my radar.  Catch ya on the flip side.”  This great love story was instantly squashed into something barely more than a one night stand.  But, the worse part was what it did to the character of Robin.  This supposedly brilliant doctor came across as some silly, little girl whose whole life in France was spent pining away for some guy who couldn’t even give a crap that she came back into town.  

Now, I wasn’t expecting them to reunite Jason and Robin.  Would I love for them to?  Of course. Especially now since they’ve done such a poor job of acknowledging their past.  I’d want them to be reunited now just so it could redeem the character of Robin because right now it seems as though she is so pathetic.  It would be great if a romance would start between her and Patrick but it’s like she’s been stalking him.  What does she do all day other than follow him around and pester him about his father or about his womanizing ways?  She followed him to Carly’s house!  She thought the two of them were hooking up and she still kept coming back for more abuse.  Patrick even asked her recently if she was stalking him.  She’s lurking in hallways listening to intimate conversations between Patrick and his father as he lay there dying.  She’s constantly observing all of Patrick’s surgeries.  One minute she hates Patrick and the next minute she’s asking him on a date.  There’s been no slow building romance between them.  It’s just been UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, I hate you, I like you, you’re a egocentric jerk, no I think you’re great.  What the hell?  Why do these two like each other again?  Why would Patrick like her?  He can get any woman he wants.  Why would he want some bossy, self-righteous thing like her?   She’s not a challenge for him.  She’s just annoying right now!   

How about some more dialogue between her and Patrick concerning her HIV and how she might be scared of getting in a relationship?  He’s been with so many women he’s like a walking STD.  She loses her virginity and BAM!  She’s got HIV.  They both have fathers who have done shitty things to them.  Are you telling me there’s no dialogue to write for them concerning those things?  I mean, sure, they’ve discussed the HIV and they’ve discussed their fathers but it’s like they’ve just skimmed the surface.  It’s time to give her character and their romance more depth.  Right now it just feels like I’m watching some high school romance with daily petty fights and misunderstandings taking place.  Since when does the Robin I know overhear a conversation and immediately jump to the conclusion that Patrick is trying to bang her because of her HIV?  She’s not vindictive like that.  She’s usually upfront about stuff.  Then she’s made to apologize in front of Carly which makes her look even more stupid.  My girl Robin didn’t used to be stupid like that!   

Since she’s been back she’s had these fleeting conversations with Mac, Maxie, Georgie, Jason, and Sonny.  (Don’t even get me started on Felicia.)  Where are the connections that she used to have in this town?  What happened to the girl with HIV that everyone cared about at the Nurses Ball when Jason had to come carry her off the stage?  It’s like they’ve introduced some new character to the Port Charles.  She is so unlikable now.  She’s no longer warm and understanding.  She’s bossy, nosy and pathetic!  Also, is it just me or does every scene that Robin has with Carly make her come out of it looking like a loser?   

The only way to redeem this character is to have her interact with those who are her family and those who supposedly still care for her.  For any new viewer out there I can’t imagine why they would like this “new” character of Robin if they didn’t know her before.  I know Sonny is busy getting into Emily’s pants these days but where has his fatherly advice for her gone?  He would be the perfect person to talk to about being scared of trying a new relationship.  He loved Stone, too and he knows how much she hurt after her and Jason broke up.  Maxie’s boyfriend just died and Georgie got married.  Does she care?  Mac doesn’t have anything to say about her hooking up with some womanizing doctor?  Mac wasn’t even around that much when she’s dying from the virus.  He didn’t have anything to say when she refused the cure?  Jason and Sonny didn’t even care that Robin was one of the sick ones or that she refused treatment to give someone without HIV a shot?  It’s like nobody from her past cares about her.  Patrick only cares about her half the time.  I as a long time loyal Robin fan want to care about her but the writers are making it very hard.  She was a strong, loving young woman who bravely accepted her HIV status and her boyfriend’s death.  She was also a strong, intelligent young woman who finally told the truth about Michael’s father.   Now she is an annoying, bossy, immature and pathetic adult who chases Patrick around all day and bitches at Carly for practically everything.  I’m very close to wishing that she had not come back. 

By: Heather

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