September 9, 2008

We had the most marvelous time in Utah. We went to BROADWAY
IN THE DESERT in St George to see my all time favorite play,
LES MIZ. This trip had been planned since April, so as it
drew closer I got more excited. We have had a truly
marvelous summer. We are grabbing each brass ring. It's
finally sinking in through in my husband's head that we have
to do this. We always dreamed of going away one weekend a
month. Truthfully, even though it's just the two of us, in
this economy we still cannot do that. However, the few side
trips and large trips we have made in the last few years has
made up for the years in the 70's and 80's when we were
lucky we could afford the car and go food shopping with it.
Steve has a horrible memory. He can read and remember
everything. However, he cannot remember if he is told
something. Unlike myself who can remember way too much of
what someone has told me but cannot read and remember most
anything on the written page. It can be extremely
frustrating for both of us. So in the last few years when it
finally dawned on us that was the problem, we decided to
embrace our differences and use them accordingly. I am the
memory. He is the reader. It seems to work 90% of the time.
Steve forgot he saw Les Miz in Las Vegas 5 years ago. He
loved it then and he loved it more when we saw it last week.
The drive to St George is about 2 hours or so from our home.
We always get lost and now that we have a portable GPS
system, it has helped us not only to get to our destination,
but there is hardly an argument in the car getting there.
The scenery with the mountains on the way to St George is
stunning. We have glorious mountains where we live, but for
some reason theirs are stunning. We got to our motel and to
our surprise, the room was ready. We got in and immediately
put on our bathing suits and got into the pool. It was 102
degrees in St George. The pool was quite refreshing. We
took a little nap and then got dressed for the show.
The drive to the show was about 15 minutes. It is in an
outdoor Amphitheater and up in the mountains.
Breathtaking, to say the least. Last week, when I gave Steve
the option of eating at the outdoor buffet in the theater
area, he agreed. I purchased the tickets online and we were
ready to roll. The dinner was
The food was good. The people were great. However, the bees
were in full gear. There is a reason I do not like eating
outdoors. So perhaps that wasn't my best choice to do so.
After dinner, we listened to a small concert of two of the
people who performed in Les Miz doing songs from their
individual CDs. They each performed Barry Manilow, Garth
Brooks, etc songs. The best part was that we all sang along
and no one told us to SHHHHSH.
On to the show. The gates opened to this lovely theater and
we found our reserved seats. Are you ready? Row D CENTER.
Not chopped liver. Absolutely perfect seats!!. I asked the
gentleman in front of us to take our photo. Steve was
probably embarrassed, but when it's only the two of you, one
is out of the photo all the time. Why not ask someone to
take a photo of the two of you as a memory? Well that's my
theory. And frankly once the photo was taken, Steve was
happy about it. I love being in photos. And so does Steve.
The show was the best we had ever seen. This was my fourth
go round of seeing this show. I saw it on the Broadway stage
in NY as well as two times in Las Vegas. This was the
absolute best cast and the best lead Jean Val Jean I have
ever heard. We were so impressed that we vowed to come back
next year for whatever shows are available.
We came home the next day and rewashed and repacked and in
less than 24 hours were on a plane to Houston. Luckily, I
can sleep standing up so sleeping on an airplane is not a
challenge. We arrived on time and went directly to meet,
Ali, Anna and Seth. When Seth saw us all he could do was
jump and down and run to kiss Grandma Max and Grandpa Steve.
There is no money or gift better than that. We then went to
get our luggage with our grandson holding both Steve and my
hand and off we went to have lunch. Seth's new favorite
place is Chic fil A. We do not have one here in Vegas so it
was fun trying a new fast food place. Ali decided it would
make more sense to go through the drive thru and bring the
food home. So we did that and enjoyed our first meal at
their home. Anna was in her high chair grabbing her Cheerios
and she was cooing and laughing and babbling. Then Ali
needed to take the dog out for his shot. She left the
children with us (oh boy now that was soo difficult) and we
had a great time with the kids.
We played and had fun with the kids. We ate with both the
bigger kids and our grand ones. We went to a hatchery to
view the fish.
That was really fun. Out to lunch at Chili's. Just a
wonderful time. We even had a family portrait taken at
JCPenneys. Again very gratifying. There were many
highlights. My daughter-in-law continues to amaze me with
her wonderful way she brings love to her family, which
includes us. I do not feel like a guest in their home. I
feel truly like family and that's the way it should be. My
little granddaughter is just the sweetest thing. Her
temperament is perfect. Rarely complains.
She is a self soother and self starter. However, my
grandson, her brother, can look at his little sister and her
world revolves around him. He takes her hand or says her
name and all is right with the world. Our son surprised us
with something. He told us something in great confidence,
and I will not repeat what he told us. However, it took 4
yrs for him to even mention something that he and his wife
are doing to make a difference in this world. I always talk
about paying it forward and now I've found out, my children
are doing the same. Steve and I couldn't be more proud. My
little grandson has his ritual in the evening like most 3
1/2 year olds. Dinner, bath, story (he reads to his sister)
and then he picks an adult to cuddle with. Now since we were
there, Steve got one night I got two nights to cuddle.
During cuddling time in his room, he picks a subject and the
adult (me) comes up with 3 words and I spell them. He tells
me the words and then we make up a story. After a quick
story he looks at the clock in his room and when it reaches
7:28 pm (don't ask me why) he gets into bed. Then I kiss him
goodnight. (His parents came in later as did Steve). So the
final night, I was there cuddling with my darling Seth, I
said, "Seth, this is my last night cuddling because Grandpa
and I are going home tomorrow." He looked at me, stood up
and walked over to me in his bed and said, "Grandma let me
give you an extra hug so you won't miss me as much." Now
tell me? What else is there? There is no amount of money or
any material subject or matter that will give me this type
of joy. My children and my little children and my husband
too give me the greatest gift of all, and that is happiness.
Can you tell I am ready for my next trip to Houston? I am
one lucky lady and the beauty of all is I know it. All I can
say is the NOW is not tomorrow or yesterday. Make and take
it now and enjoy the memories now NOT the what ifs or should
have beens.

Maxine's Archives
August 27,
August 5,
July 24,
June 3,
April 22, 2008
1, 2008
February 29,
January 11,
November 20, 2007
September 24, 2007
August 29, 2007
August 14, 2007
July 22, 2007
June 7, 2007
May 22, 2007
May 2, 2007
April 8, 2007
March 23, 2007
March 4, 2007
February 10, 2007
January 17, 2007
December 28,
December 2,
November 16,
November 6,
October 26,
October 13,
October 7, 2006


